Care for your New Kitten
Your kitten Pick up Date:
This is a firm weekend date to pick up your kitten at 11 weeks old. If you cannot pick your kitten on that date, then you will be bumped to the next available kitten.
If I don’t feel your kitten is ready at 11 weeks, I reserve the right to move the date.
Your Contract:
Please keep your contract where you can refer to it in the future. Included on it are my contact info, birthdate, and kittens parents. You should schedule what will be the second and last vaccine for 3-5 years when the kitten is 14 weeks old I have included what the vaccine is below so you can let your vet know. Again stressing that it must be the same vaccine as I have listed for your cats safety.
I am sorry, but I have to many kittens at once to send pictures to all my clients.
Kittens cry when I take them from their mom so it is sad to have them crying and mom crying for them while I try to take pictures.
You will have the opportunity to take many great pictures of your kitten and send them to friends and family once you take your kitten home.
Food I am currently feeding: Earthborn. Dry food.
I keep a free choice feeder out at all-times as well as fresh water. Cats are grazers, they need free choice.
Canned food: earthborn and Wellness grain free. I also bake chicken thighs and shred it and give it as treats.
The best dry food on the market at this time is Orijen in my opinion.
Your kitten was vaccinated at 8 weeks old with a killed 3-way. FEL-O-Vax PCT +Caliciv. It covers Feline Rhinotracheitis, Calici, Panleukopenia
A booster vaccine (and it has to be killed vaccine and only 3 way NOT four way) will be necessary at 14 weeks old, so 4 weeks after you get your kitten home.
Thai cats have great immune systems so over vaccinating would be a big mistake No more vaccines should be necessary for 5 years with an indoor cat to keep your cat protected from distemper.
Acclimating your kitten:
Start with a smaller room that makes the kitten accessible to you to hold and bond with. Once you feel your kitten responds to you and will come to you to play with toys etc, you can let the kitten explore the house. The point is to know where your kitten is at all times and be able to pick him/her up often to establish your relationship.
Please be extra careful of dryers, front load washers, anytime the door to the outside is open. They are quick and stealthy and don’t understand anything that might harm them.
If you have another pet they need to meet, start in the smaller room once the kitten has bonded with you. Let them nose to nose and if all goes well, know the kitten will probably follow the older cat around. A little batting and hissing on the older kittens part would be normal at first as it tries to set boundaries with the kitten. But soon, they should be playing together.
Please don’t use it. The active ingredient that causes a high in cats is an essential oil called nepetalactone, which can be found in the leaves and stems of the plant. Other constituents include acetic acid, alpha, and beta-nepetalactone, citral, nepetalactone, geraniol, dipentene, citronellol, nerol, butyric acid, valeric acid and tannins.
Nepetalactone causes a hallucinogenic effect. Some say the effects are similar to LSD; others say they are more similar to marijuana.
Teeth Cleaning
I simply do not recommend putting your cat under anthesia every year and especially as they get older. Just do a mouth check now and then check for any red gums that would signal a vet visit. I have multiple cats and have never done teeth cleanings.
Kittens will lose some teeth at first as new ones come in. They love to chew on cardboard boxes. They are a great early teething tool.
Contract agreement:
Please remember you signed a contract that agrees you won’t declaw and your kitten should be spay/neutered at 5 to 6 months old. Also remember indoor only assures your kitten a long life.
Thank you,
Kate Summer 208-922.4949